Wednesday, June 13, 2012

About Me

Hello guys!

Here I'm just going to talk about random things about myself, like little facts about me.

- I have not purchase any high-end products, what so ever BUT hopefully in the future, I will...(when I get a car and have a nice paying job)
- If you haven't already known, I buy drugstore products from eyeshadow, mascaras, lipsticks, eyeliners, etc. so if you have any products that you aren't sure of, ask me and I'll try my best to review it for you :)
- I am Asian, specifically Chinese. I speak Cantonese (a dialect of Chinese) but I am NOT fluent, I can speak some but not really good at speaking but I am able to understand it.
- I am a HUGE lazy butt so I somewhat won't blog as much as I want to but I will try my best to do something about that.
-I love to ramble of random things, so besides talking about beauty related things, I will also talk about things happening in my life to places I'm raving about or unrelated things that I just have to share with you guys!


Alright so my skin is:
  • combination of oily/dry (tend to be oily in the middle of the face and dry on the outer area of the face)
  • skin is SUPER dry in Winter but normal during Summer
  • I have mild acne, like little acne/pimples coming out of nowhere but it disappears after a couple days
My Hair is:
  • Naturally black and straight
  • Currently very long, reaching almost my lower(like real low) back
  • Very layered with bangs
  • Oily (must be washed everyday)
  • Medium thick

So I tend to do my nails maybe every 2-3 weeks or more. I like to do different designs and colors and experiment. I HATE pulling other people's ideas and strategies on how they would design their nails, like copying another person's nail design, I just don't like that, I don't know why. It's just the way I am. I tend to look at certain things and just get inspired by the way its design like for example if I looked at a scenery of like a field, I would be inspired to paint my nails and design field-related things on my nails.

I like to grow my nails long, maybe about 1/2 inch or longer after cutting them. I also moisturize my nail beds with regular hand lotion so that they won't become chapped.

So everything I mention in this post is just random things about me and I will post up like nail tutorials, my skincare routine, haircare routine, hair tutorials, makeup tutorials, makeup/nail polish/haircare reviews. So don't forget to come back to check my posts!

See you next time!!

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