Wednesday, September 18, 2013

DIY Photo Frame Jewelry Display

Hey guys!

So today, I am showing you a really cool DIY that really organizes but also display your bracelets and necklaces in an chic way. Most of the products used in this DIY is about $10 or less, depending on where you get it and what materials you wanted for this. So lets get started!!

Materials needed:
-Picture frame,any size(I used 8x11 old,vintage picture frame) ($3)
-Some old magazines, or print out some cool pictures
-Cardboard,preferably thick(cut to fit into frame)
-Gluestick ($1)
-Mini hanging hooks(I used tacks) ($1 for pack of 30 tacks)
-Scissors ($1)
-Decorations: ribbons, jewels,stickers,gems,etc.(optional)

 1) Take out the glass and covering of the frame and put it aside or toss it away.

 2) Take some old magazines or look online for some cool pictures, be it inspirational, pretty, beauty, fashion, cute, quotes, etc. and take the pages out/print them.

Some of my favorite magazines

Some cool magazine pages
3) Cut out each picture, phrases, quotes, etc. Lay them all out.

4) On your cut out cardboard,sized and fitted to the picture frame, lay out each magazine/picture on the cardboard. DO NOT GLUE until you know that your completely satisfied with the results.
Top,up close
Bottom, up close
5) Before taking off everything, take a picture of the clippings first and then start gluing everything. The reason why is because you might end up forgetting where exactly you put each clipping, like I did.

6) Place the cardboard with all the clippings,glued, back onto the frame and enclose it like so in the picture.

7) Then start measuring where to attach the hooks onto the display and dot it with a marker/pencil(if you decide to use the self-adhesive hooks,you can use the glass that came along with the frame). I measured mine about 2 inches in between each hook,horizontally, and about 4 inches below the first hook,vertical-wise. Attach the hooks, if your using tacks, make sure to leave at least a 1/4-1/2 cm like so below to allow the jewelry to hang.
See the black dots? Marking :)
Leave 1/4 - 1/2 cm to allow jewelry to hang :)

8) Decorate with any of materials you wanna add on to the frame to your liking, like adding sparkles, stick-on gems, stickers, spray painting, etc. I like to keep mine simple so I just left it alone.

9) Place on the jewelry on the hooks and adjust anything that seems out of place.

10) Place it on your wall and ta-da! A DIY photo frame jewelry display, all about $10 or less!

I really hope you like this jewelry display and send me pictures of your take on this DIY!! Thanks so much!

See you next time! Bye!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Update: Where have I been the last couple months?

Hey guys!

Sorry that I have been gone for at least...I wanna say 3 months? I don't even know and I'm sorry that I have been gone so long! So what is going on with me and what have I've been doing? Well this past summer, I have been working non-stop at my job and its just been crazy cause I have no time to do anything cause I work possibly about 10-11 hours a day for about 5 days a week,sometimes 5 1/2 days(like working half-day) and its just been ugh...Anyways, I've just been so tired and don't feel like doing anything and I just wanna relax when I get home from work and also whenever I have a day off. Also I have decided to go to school(cosmetology school to study esthiology) starting in the Spring semester so that I can save enough money to pay for schooling and also for anything else,etc, etc. So I finally have my day off today and I just felt like blogging and I'm so glad I came back cause I miss this!

Anyways so what's new with me? Well I have been collecting/buying things from clothes to makeup to decor from this past summer and its just been nice to have the stuff! I will probably be putting up some reviews for some of these makeup items and also showing some of the clothes I collected this past summer and possibly do another Fall look book 2013 edition! ALSO I will be showing you how I DIY this great sunglasses and jewelry display with picture frames! Super easy and under $10 or less!!! I also have some nail tutorials that I really need to put up but haven't even recorded any but I will put some pictures down below,like a teaser, of some that I will be posting up on youtube and hopefully you can look forward to some or all of them!

Things I have been loving/doing this past summer(besides working), I have recently decided to start working out to just better myself and just feel good about myself. Why? Well I have always been a bit overweight, like I have a little fat here and there and I just wanna get more fit and more healthier. I noticed that by doing this, it has made me feel a lot more happier, motivated, and confident in myself. Not gonna lie, I have been eating whatever the heck I wanted but I have been eating it in moderation, like eating some but not all. I have been choosing some healthier food choices and I WAS exercising everyday for about an hour but now I have been exercising for at least every other day for about 30 minutes to an hour but I just don't feel right when I skip days for exercising. Anyways, I don't go to any fancy schmancy gym, I just workout at home in the comfort of my room and just going away at it. I tend to exercise more at night then in the morning and I wanna workout in the morning...but I really need that extra 2 hours of sleep before work or anything. How do I workout? Well, if you haven't heard of blogilates, she is a pro fitness trainer that makes videos for beginners(and advance) of pilates, etc and I just been loving the workouts cause most of her videos are about 25 minutes or less and not all of them are 25 minutes, some are 10 minutes, 5 minutes, etc. I just love working out with her, just check her out on her youtube and just try it out cause it WORKS! I could talk all day about working out and everything but that's probably gonna be a WHOLE separate post.

------------>       Blogilates Youtube Channel

 Another thing I have been loving is my room. I haven't really been like obsessed with my room but ever since summer has started, I've just been like "Omg, I need to clean my room and make it nice and pretty" and all this and that and its just been making me feel so happy. I used to just think my room is just "eh, who cares" but I have come to love it (maybe its because it my sanctuary when I come home from a long day of work, haha). Anyways, I have been like crazy obsessed with cleaning my room and making sure its all nice and organized to the point where I have to constantly clean my room at least 5-10 minutes a day...I know, maybe I have a problem? I don't know but it doesn't hurt to at least clean up a little...right?

Yeah so that's pretty much it about whats going on in my life currently!

Until next time! Bye!

Possible Nail tutorial*
My youtube channel