Thursday, June 14, 2012

Where you can reach me :)

Hello guys!!

So I like to talk to you guys about how you can reach me either from e-mail or from other websites. I currently don't own any twitter, instagram, or anything of that sort except facebook BUT if requested numerous of times, I will create one. So onwards to reachable heights!

So down below are some links were you can go to see me and such:

This is my youtube account. It doesn't have much videos except for my anime vids that I simply adore. I am a fan of anime/manga BUT don't let that phase you much. I am in the process of buying a video camera and hopefully and nice camera to post videos up on youtube and pictures up on here. So in the meantime, just look for me here until I finally announce that I have a camera/video camera.

Here is my e-mail:

You can reach me here and ask me questions and details about how to do certain things. You can also request more tutorials or examples on how to do this or do that, etc.

I currently don't have a facebook group, BUT I will create one(when I have the balls to do so).

SO until next time,

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